The Surprising Anti-Aging Foods for Beautiful Skin That No One Thinks About

There are countless anti-aging products and supplements on the market, but what really matters to turn back the clock is what we put in our bodies. You are what you eat!

There are a variety of anti-aging foods that can work wonders in helping to fight off skin-damaging free radicals, repair collagen in the body, and reduce inflammation. Here are some anti-aging foods to definitely incorporate into your diet.

Dark Chocolate

I am sure this will bring music to your ears, because who doesn't like chocolate? Cocoa is packed with antioxidants that can be a powerful anti-aging treatment for the skin. For maximum benefits, opt for  high quality, low sugar, or unsweetened dark chocolate with at least 80% cocoa. The higher the percentage, the better it is for you! 

The antioxidants in high quality chocolate can reduce inflammation caused by  UV exposure, firms and repairs the skin, improves circulation, and moisturizes, which is vital for glowing skin. Because it reduces the inflammation in the body, dark chocolate is excellent for fighting off skin conditions like eczema and rosacea. 

Dark chocolate is also rich in magnesium, which is important for our beauty sleep. (Find out more in my journal the truth about beauty sleep.) Dark chocolate can also reduce the stress hormone cortisol and prompt the release of dopamine, the happy hormone, which results in a happy mind and happy skin! This will reduce the breakdown of collagen in the skin.  

Keep in mind that  dark chocolate should be eaten in moderation and needs to be low in sugar. Too much sugar could wreak havoc on the skin! Sugar attaches itself to  proteins like collagen, causing collagen to “cross-link.” When collagen cross-links, it becomes hardened and inflexible, leading to wrinkling and stiffness of old skin because tiny little strands that normally slide over one another are now attached and cannot move freely. 


Specifically, white and green tea! Both of these teas have less caffeine than black and are packed with antioxidants.

White tea is also called the “beauty tea” and is full of polyphenols, which are antioxidants that fight free radical damage, lower cholesterol, and strengthen your immune system.

Green tea contains antioxidants and phytochemicals that may decrease inflammation in the body, which slows the aging process. Green tea compounds may also fight off free radicals that can cause damage to cells.


This is a great snack because it’s gluten free and packed with fiber, which helps stave off those sugar cravings. Did you know that popcorn has more protein than potato chips? Popcorn is packed with nutrients that help to keep skin clear and bright. It makes the skin glow, containing thiamine which aids in circulation, nourishing the skin and removing waste. Do read the package for any nasties though. Your best bet may be to make homemade popcorn instead of the microwave stuff. 


Tofu makes a perfect alternative for meat, as too much meat can cause inflammation in the body, which can cause aging and skin problems. Tofu is rich in minerals and is full of plant-based protein that makes skin firm and supple. Make sure you eat organic tofu to avoid any GMOs.

Olive Oil

Mediterranean people are known for their beautiful glowing skin, which could be because their diet is rich in extra virgin olive oil! 

Olive oil contains oleic acid and omega-9 fatty acids, which are associated with a lot of health and beauty benefits. So if you don't want your skin to look like leather and be soft and glowing regularly, olive oil is your friend! Be sure to use extra virgin olive oil, which comes from the first pressing of the olives.


Dairy products are a good source of protein, riboflavin, vitamin D, and calcium. I recommend products coming from free-range and organically fed cows. Plain yogurt contains good bacteria for the intestinal tract. If you have a healthy gut, you have happy skin! 

However, be sure to limit your intake of dairy products, or even skip them if you have an intolerance or allergy. Consuming foods we are intolerant to can cause inflammation in the body, which can cause wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles. (Goat’s cheese and goat’s milk may be better tolerated than cow products, so give those a try if you don’t do well with dairy!).


Honey is an all round medicinal superfood!

Raw honey supports the production of melatonin. This hormone is crucial for sleep, which is important for healthy aging. 

The amino acids in honey support tissue repair, which keeps the skin plump and strong. It’s also one of the richest sources of healing enzymes and contains essential vitamins and minerals. 

Make sure to only use raw, unprocessed, organic honey. The pasteurized golden syrupy honey is highly processed and most of the beneficial enzymes, vitamins, and minerals have been destroyed. 

Try adding these foods into your diet for the health and beautifying benefits. And if you’ve been worried that I’m going to tell you to stop eating the less-healthy (but still delicious foods), don’t worry, I won’t!

I really believe in eating the bad foods in moderation and adding the good foods to counteract the bad foods!


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