Meditation and Essential Oils

For me, using aromatherapy oils is the most important agent to bring about healing in the body! I have included essential oils in my skin therapy for 19 years. Plants carry powerful energy!

Recently I have asked myself the question: how can I incorporate essential oils not just in my therapy, but also in my meditation practice? 

Essential oils and aromatic substances have been used for many years to facilitate meditation and prayer. In meditation, fragrance provides something spiritual to focus on. Using essential oils during meditation can help you to focus and bring out more color and clarity during the meditation. Aroma can bring forward scenes and pictures from your past or times and places that are from your present life. 

What is meditation? 

Meditation is a method by which a person empties the mind of all thoughts, stimuli, and expectations while becoming more alert. It shifts our attention from active, outward conciousness and events to what is taking place inside. Many studies show that it slows down the pulse rate and is  physiologically and neurologically calming. 

It doesn’t matter if you are seated (this is supposed to help the flow through the energy centers in the body), cross-legged, or lying down as long as you are comfortable. But do make sure that you are in a quiet space, free of distracting noises. 

What are the benefits of meditation? 

It produces a state of physical and mental relaxation, promotes a sense of wellbeing, and reduces stress and anxiety. Meditation also improves the autoimmune response and the healing of damaged tissue. 

My favorite part about meditation is that it helps us to be “fully human,” to expand our consciousness and go beyond life's daily difficulties, to relax into a deeper awareness of who we are, and learn how to be in the world and also in alignment with our inner self. 

The role of essential oils in meditation 

Essential oils can purify and prepare the space where we intend to meditate.

Essential oils can assist in deepening and slowing the breath, by awareness of the breath and focusing on breathing. They can balance chakra energy by opening the higher chakra center. The aroma can heighten awareness, raising consciousness to a higher level. They can be grounding and harmonizing if you are meditating in a group.

How to choose your oils

It is important to use a balance of the aromas, so that one oil doesn’t stick out and evoke a memory, which defeats the purpose. 

The most effective way is to use the oils is in a vaporizer. The essential oils you choose are entirely up to you! Change your essential oil blend as often as you wish! 

Here are some essential oils that can be beneficial for your meditation practice:

Vetiver has a balancing action, which is very good for bringing the energy of all the chakras into alignment. 

Sandalwood has been used as incense traditionally for hundreds of years. It is very balancing, calming, and grounding. 

Frankincense slows and deepens your breathing rate, bringing you to a meditative and calm state. 

Juniper is a very good psychic cleanser, and very good for clearing the room before meditation. 

Rose opens up the heart chakra, allowing love to be given and to be received. Rose can also stimulate creativity, so it is excellent for visualization. 

Rosewood is great for opening the crown chakra, creating a feeling of calmness.

For me, meditation is not just taking a rest, but also going on an adventure. Essential oils can enhance this! 


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