Lavender: The Mother or Grandmother of Essential Oils 

Lavender is truly like a mother. It can accomplish several jobs at the same time! 

Lavender is the essential oil that can care for numerous physical and psychological problems. It is the most commonly used essential oil, and the first oil I was introduced to during my studies as a clinical aromatherapist. It is so gentle and mothering, the first oil I introduced my daughter to when she was a baby to lull her to sleep, and my go-to oil if I have a burn or just need some nurturing. It is the perfect balance between masculine and feminine traits within us all.

Here’s all you need to know about lavender oil and how to incorporate it into your daily rituals for the ultimate skin rejuvenation, detox, and mood booster:

I have lavender in my kitchen. I associate lavender with burns and healing of the skin. Because of its properties it will ease the pain of a burn, prevent infection, and promote fast healing. 

I have used lavender in my facial  treatments for years. I found it very beneficial in treating conditions with skin inflammation such as acne, dermatitis, eczema, boils, skin irritations, and psoriasis. It can be used on all skin types. I use lavender in my formulation of Kat’s Calming and Repairing Organic Face Oil and Kat’s Anti-ging and Empowering Organic Face Oil for its soothing and calming effect on the skin, and to alleviate the effects of stress from environmental factors or general skin irritation. Lavender can be used for the treatment of sunburns if you combine it with peppermint essential oil and dilute it in a carrier oil, for example, calendula or rosehip, which are also calming and healing for the skin. I also use lavender oil as an insect repellent or to treat insect bites and prevent them from itching. 

If you have muscular aches and pains, lavender can be very beneficial in relieving those by massaging it into the muscles.

What I love about lavender is that it has such a harmonizing effect on the nervous system. It can have a sedative or a stimulating effect depending on the person's needs. I use lavender when I can't sleep, either in my bath a few drops or in my aromatherapy diffuser. If I feel restless or anxious, lavender calms my mind and comforts me. My bedtime oil is Kat’s Relaxing Organic Body Night Oil, which creates this sense of inner calm,  tranquility, and peace.

I have suffered from migraines and headaches since I was a teenager and lavender essential oil is my go-to oil. I use a cold flannel with one or two drops of lavender on my forehead or the back of my neck. 

I even used lavender during my labor with my daughter. It lightened the mood, I was much calmer, and it reduced my anxiety. You could also use lavender for relieving PMS and menstrual pain by gently massaging a massage oil with lavender into the lower abdomen or using it in a hot compress.  

Using lavender for colds and flu can also be beneficial due to its decongestant properties. You can either use it in a diffuser or add a few drops in a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam.

Using lavender during my meditation deepens my focus, due to its relaxing and calming qualities. 

“Lavender is a passionate herb of higher order. Pain, infection, inflammation, distress, agitation and acute injuries of everyday life are the main symptoms relieved through its compassionate effect.” Holmes P.


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