Eat yourself beautiful


Yes, this is possible.

Skin is, after all, your biggest organ in the body. No other organ is exposed to so much damage on a daily basis. Skin also reflects many conditions and emotions that come from within. 

“You are what you eat” implies that those who wish to become healthier should eat the healthiest foods. It suggests that eating the most beautiful foods will beautify your skin. 

I grew up in a family food business, where food always came first in our household and I think that’s why I am so passionate about food. Growing up in Africa where the soil and air are pure you can really taste the difference in the quality of food. Now living in London, I order fresh organic food from local farms once a week. We also try and grow as much as we can in our own garden to make sure we get the best nutrients from our food. 

I truly believe foods heal you from within and I have also experienced that firsthand suffering from migraines for years. I had to watch what I ate. Dairy and sugar are definitely the enemy. Eating an alkaline diet (plant-based) made a huge difference for me. 

But also seeing the effect on clients over the years, having too much sugar, meat, and dairy can be ageing for the skin. It also causes a lot of inflammation in the body which can cause premature ageing and skin disorders. 

A lot of my clients ask me which foods are the most important for beautiful skin, my answer would be mineral-rich, nutrient-dense foods. Eating the right ratio of foods that are more alkaline than acidic for the body. And also — drink lots of good quality spring water! 

Let me share a few of my favourite beautifying foods with you:

Cucumber and Celery 

Cucumber is a diuretic, preventing you from bloating due to water retention. The enzyme erepsin in Cucumber helps to digest proteins. It is also an excellent kidney cleanser. 

I have my cucumber with some celery in a juice form. The celery is amazing for liver cleansing and it aids in the transport of the water-rich cucumber juice in the tissues, creating more hydration. Celery is a powerful herb that we should never forget. It is important for our immune system. 

My juice for hydration and cleansing:

  • 5 ribs of celery 

  • 1 cucumber 

  • 1 apple 



I grow rocket in my garden; I love the strong spicy flavour. Just drizzle some lemon or balsamic and olive oil over it with some toasted pine nuts, it is beautiful. 

Rocket is highly alkaline and neutralises acidic waste products throughout the blood and lymph system. It is one of the best sources of beta carotene which protects the skin from sun damage and helps prevent acne. It has a group of anti-cancer and antioxidant substances that protects against colon and breast cancer. 


I love eating papaya with a squeeze of lime juice to bring out the flavour of the papaya and to bring a tanginess to it. You could also make a delicious salad with avocado. 

Eating papaya regularly will help you achieve glowing and radiant eyes and skin. Due to its remarkable cleansing properties of the digestive tract. 

Papaya is a wonderful source of minerals, Vitamin A and collagen-healing Vitamin C. Papaya seeds are often used in anti-parasite programs.


Pumpkin seeds 

I sprinkle pumpkin seeds over salads or have them in my breakfast. If you toast them, they are more crunchy and extremely tasty. 

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc which activates hundreds of enzyme systems. Acne and other skin conditions are improved significantly when consuming more zinc-rich foods. 

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids. The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant omega 3 fatty acid produces clear, radiant skin and protects from ultraviolet radiation. Pumpkin seeds are also a rich source in omega 6. Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids, the seed oil is helpful for healing burns and wounds. 


Watercress is an excellent addition to salads, mixed with avocado and olive oil takes away the spicy element of the leaves. 

Like rocket, watercress is highly alkaline, it neutralises acidic waste products throughout the blood and lymph system. It increases circulation while simultaneously delivering minerals to cells which brings colour into the skin. Watercress contains mustard glycosides and mustard oil, which are internal antiseptics and internal tissue and skin cleansers. 



I love onions! When I was a child, my grandmother was already telling me how amazing onions are. She used to mix onion juice with honey and gave it to me when I had a cough or when I would feel run down. 

Onions have more Vitamin C than an orange of the same size, which we need for collagen production and to boost our immune system. The onion contains a considerable amount of Sulfur, which is a beautifier because it cleanses the liver and skin. Onion has antiseptic properties and helps to build all connective tissue.


I consume a lot of watermelon in the summer when it is in season if I want to have something sweet. Watermelon is amazing to prevent ageing. It is full of antioxidants such as lycopene, Vitamin A and C which help to reduce free radicals which can contribute to the cause of ageing. Due to its high water content it can keep skin supple from within.

Remember old habits die hard, but they do die. Some shifts will happen immediately while others will take time. Inner cleansing, detoxification, and body awareness are all by-products of starting a plant-based diet. Eating as much as possible a plant-based diet allows you to rebuild yourself at a deeper level.


Cleansing: The building block to good skin


Lymphatic Drainage: THE secret to glowing skin!